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Analyzing a horoscope for marriage

In arranged marriages, most parents demand Horoscope Matching. Once the horoscopes of boy and girl match, the next step is to analyze the horoscope for any marriage dosha.

Here are some guidelines on analyzing a horoscopes from marital perspective.

1. Generate horoscope - The entire prediction is based on the Ascendant (Lagna) and planetary positions marked in the horoscope. In the horoscope given for analysis, if Lagna or any planets are marked in wrong sign (Rasi) then the prediction will be wrong. Also, if the retrograde (vakram) is not specified, the prediction will not be accurate.

So, the first step is to generate horoscopes using modern and reliable software based on given date, time and place of birth. This is to make sure that all the planets, including Lagnam, are marked in the correct signs (Rasi), with its retrograde (if any). It will also provide correct Dasa balance at the time of birth and present and upcoming Dasa as well.

Once the boy and girl horoscopes are generated, check the compatibility. If the compatibility is good, analyze the horoscope thoroughly, as given below, to see if there is any Dosha that can affect married life.

Click the link to check the compatiblity of Horoscopes Compatiblity

2. Dignity of Houses - First, check the dignity of the houses associated with the marriage, viz., 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 12th.

2nd house signifies family, 4th house signifies comfortability (Sukham), 7th house signifies life partner, 8th house signifies lifespan of spouse and 12th house signifies sexual pleasure (Bhoga).

If malefic planets like Mars, Saturn, Sun, Rahu / Ketu are posited in these houses or aspect these houses, then it will cause marital problems during their Dasa period.

Similarly, the aspect or placement of Ashtamathipathi (8th house Lord), Badhakathipathi and Marakathipathi in these houses will cause problems in the married life during their Dasa period.

Click the link to find out who is Badhakathipathi?

So, the Dasa of Malefic planets or Malefic house Lords should not start immediately after marriage, as this may trigger problems in married life before the couple understands each other.

3. Dignity of House Lords - Next, check the dignity of the Lords of the houses associated with the marriage.

If the Lord of the 2nd house is debilitated in a horoscope the marriage / child birth of the native will be delayed. If the Lord of the 4th house is debilitated, the comfortability of the native will suffer.

If the Lord of the 7th house is debilitated in a horoscope, then the spouse of the native will have some shortfalls. If the Lord of the 12th house is debilitated, then the sexual pleasure for the native will not be fulfilled.

To know more about the shortfalls of spouse, click here and refer to debilitation of 7th house Lord.

4. Marriage Dosha - Next, check the horoscope for Marriage Dosha such as Kalathra Dosha, Naga Dosha, Manglik Dosha.

When Rahu / Ketu are placed in 1st / 7th house, it forms Naga dosha. Kala Sarpa Dosha is formed when all the planets, including Lagna, are confined within Rahu and Ketu.

When Mars is placed in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house it is called as Mangal or Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosha or Sevvai dosham in Tamil. Placement of Mars in the 8th house in a Girl's horoscope is known as Mangalya Dosham in Tamil. Placement of Mars in the 8th house in a horoscope signifies the sudden death of spouse.

If these doshas are in the horoscope, there will be no happiness in married life.

Click the link for more details on Kala Sarpa Dosha and Marriage dosha horoscopes

5. Lifespan - Next, check the native and spouse's lifespan. If Lagna and Lagna Lord, 8th house and 8th house Lords are afflicted, it indicates that the native has a short lifespan (Alpayu). Similarly, placement of Mars in 8th house indicates that the native's spouse has a short lifespan.

Click here and refer to Manglik Dosha for short lifespan.

6. Puthra dosha - Next, check the horoscope for Puthra Dosha.

We know that 2nd house signifies family and 5th house signifies progeny. If the 2nd and 5th houses and their lords and Jupiter are afflicted by malefic planets or malefic Lords such as Ashtamathipathi, Badhakathipathi and Marakathipathi then child birth will be delayed.

Also, if Jupiter, the significator of Child (Puthra Karakan) is debilitated in a horoscope, it will delay the child birth.

Click here and refer to Puthra dosha to know more about Puthra dosha.

7. Puthra Shoka (पुत्र शोक) - Next, check the horoscope for Puthra Shoka. It means suffering to parents due to loss of children.

We know that 5th house from Lagna signifies children. if the 5th house Lord (Puthra Sthanathipathi) is debilitated or afflicted by malefic planets or malefic house Lords such as Ashtamathipathi, Badhakathipathi and Marakathipathi, then there will be loss of child. This indicates that the native has to suffer from child loss as per Karma.

Click here and refer to Puthra Shoka to know more about Puthra shoka.

8. Dasa Sandhi - The period when Dasa changes from one Mahadasa to another Mahadasa is called Dasa Sandhi. Depending on the planetary positions, this change may bring fortune or misfortune to the native. So, check Boy and girl's horoscope for Dasa Sandhi. Ideally, Dasa Sandhi period should be 2+ years. It is better to wait for marriage if there is Dasa Sandhi in the next 6 months as it may trigger problems after marriage.

9. Sashtashtaga Dosha - Sashtashtagam means 6 x 8. If Boy's Birth sign (Janma Rasi) is in the 6th from Girl's Birth sign, it forms Sashtashtaga dosha. Similarly, if Boy's Ascendant (Lagna) is in the 6th from Girl's Ascendant, it forms Sashatashtaga Dosha.

Those who have Sashtashtagam in the horoscopes, their thought process will be opposite to each other. When taking any decision, they will conflict, which can lead to unhappiness in married life.

However, if Ganam and Dinam Koota are matching, and only Rasi is in Shashtashtagam or only Lagna is in Shashtashtagam, then Shashtashtagam will not be impactful.

Shashtashtagam has some exceptions. If the lord of the Rasi or Lagna is the same, it will not be considered as Shashtashtaga dosha. For ex., if the Girl's Rasi is Scorpio and Boy's Rasi is Aries, then there is no Shashtashtaga dosha as the Lord of both the Rasi is Mars. Similarly, if the Girl's Rasi is Taurus and Boy's Rasi is Libra, there is no Shashtashtaga dosha as the Lord of both the Rasi is Venus.

10. Health - Next, check the horoscope for Health.

We know that 6th house signifies disease, Moon signfies mind and 7th house signifies spouse.

Native's health - If the Lagna or Lagna Lord is associated with the 6th house or 6th house Lord by placement, aspect or conjunction, the native may not be a healthy person. If the Moon is associated with 6th house or 6th house Lord and / or Saturn and Mars, the native may have mental problems.

Spouse's health - If the 7th house or 7th house Lord is associated with the 6th house or 6th house Lord by placement, aspect or conjunction, the native's spouse may not be a healthy person. If the Moon is also associated with 6th house or 6th house Lord and / or Saturn and Mars, the native's spouse may have mental problems.

11. Love affairs - Next, check the horoscope for any love affairs.

A person, be it a boy or a girl, who has love affairs before marriage can cause trouble in marital life when he/she marries another person. So, it is better to check the horoscope for any love affairs.

In a horoscope, if one or more of the following conditions are met, then the native may have love affairs :

  1. Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus are associated by placement, aspect or conjunction
  2. Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus have exchanged their houses among the four houses
  3. 12th and 2nd house Lords are associated by aspect, conjunction or exchange of houses
  4. Venus and Moon are in conjunct or aspect each other mutually
  5. Venus and Moon are posited by 6 x 8 to each other

Click here for more details on Love Marriage & Failure.

12. Sanyasa Yoga - Next, check the horoscope for Sanyasa Yoga. Sanyasa Yoga leads to renunciation of worldly material life.

We know that 12th house signifies Moksha (Salvation), Ketu is the Lord of Salvation (Mokshakaraka) and Jupiter is the Lord of Wisdom (Gnanakaraka).

In a horoscope, if Ketu is posited in 12th house, Jupiter aspects 12th house & Ketu, and the current Dasha is Jupiter Dasha, the native will not be interested in sexual pleasure until the Dasha changes.

If Saturn and Moon aspect each other mutually in a horoscope, the native will not be interested in marriage. In some cases, they marry but lead a Brahmachari (celibate) or Tapasvi (ascetic) life.

Click the link to more about Sanyasa Yoga

13. Second and Multiple marriages - Next, check the horoscope for Second / Multiple marriages.

We know that in a horoscope 7th house signifies Marriage and 11th house signifies second marriage. If the 11th house is stronger than the 7th house, it indicates that the first marriage will break up and give way to a second marriage. If there are multiple planets in the 7th house, it indicates that the native will marry many times.

If there are multiple planets in the 7th house, it indicates that the native will marry many times.

If there are multiple planets in the 7th house and Rahu is also associated by Placement or Aspect, it indicates that the native will have an extra marital relationship.

14. Current Dasa - Next, check the current Dasa of the native.

We know that Rahu is arch rival for Sun (Lord of Leo sign / Simha Rasi) and Moon (Lord of Cancer sign / Karkara Rasi). If the Ascendant is Cancer or Leo and / or Rahu is posited in Cancer or Leo, and if the current Dasa is Rahu, then we can expect obstacles in the marriage itself.

Similarly, if the current Dasa is a malefic planetary dasa like Ashtamathipathi, Badhakathipathi, Dusthanathipathi, then it may create turbulence in the married life.

If the Dasa Lord of Boy and Girl are posited in 6 x 8, then it will create misunderstanding among the couples. For instance, say Boy is currently ruled by Jupiter Dasa which is posited in Aries (Mesham) in Boy's horoscope. And, say Girl is ruled by Venus Dasa which is posited in Virgo (Kanya) in Girl's horoscope. Now, we can see that the Dasa Lords Jupiter and Venus are posited in 6 x 8. Such placement will create misunderstanding among the couples.

In all such cases, one can wait, if Dasa is about to end in six months or in a year.

15. Gochara Shani - Next check what kind of Gochara Shani (Transit Saturn) the native is undergoing.

We know that Ashtama Shani is the most impacting Shani. During the 2½ year Ashtama Shani period, the native will experience a lot of problems in every walk of life. Same goes with the first leg of Sade Sath Shani (7½ year Transit Saturn).

Married life will become totally miserable during such period.

Click the link to more about Gochara Shani

Conclusion - Almost all horoscopes will show some kind of marriage Dosha or blemishes. Any horoscope will have at least two or three of the above Dosha. It is advisable to consult an experienced astrologer before proceeding with or rejecting any horoscope.