About Us
Thank you for visiting Vedic Astrology.
My name is Subramanian and I am a Mechanical Engineer. I served Indian Railways for 13 years, then became a software Engineer in late 90s,
worked in abroad for 5 years and finally retired voluntarily as a Director from Cognizant Technology Solutions in 2015.
I come from a family whose primary profession is "Prohitam and Jyothisham". So, I was associated with Jyothisham right from childhood.
But, it was post my retirement in 2015, I started learning Astrology properly.
My sincere thanks to My spiritual Guru and my Maternal uncle, Sri. Naganathan who taught me Astrology in a structured way by sharing his
lifetime experience of 50+ years in this field and who has seen tens of thousands of Horoscopes.
In the last few years, I have come across people who are in desperate situations such as delay in marriage / child birth, strained marital
life, divorce, possibility of second marriage, problems related with Debt / Loan, loss of family members, miserable life etc.,
Such situations cannot be diagnosed by any modern science but only Astrology can.
So, my primary objective is to help such affected people by rendering a free service to them because I am blessed with Astrological knowledge
and good financial status.
Thank you for your time in reading about me.
M.M. Subramanian.